NFU Scotland Skills and Education Seminar at Royal Highland Show on 22 June 2018

Education, skills and employment opportunities within the Scottish agricultural industry was the focus of a specialist seminar held by NFU Scotland at the Royal Highland Show. Melanie McEwen (DG Local Authority Lead for Developing the Young Workforce) contributed on engaging young people and working with schools. Melanie, along with Senga Greenwood from the DYW Regional Group, shared the successful work using the DG Employability Award, developed in partnership with SRUC Barony as a model for engaging young people, schools and parents to consider the opportunities and provide accredited pathways into the industry.


  • 2016/17: 6 young people participated in DG Land Based Employability Award. All into positive destinations. 4/6 into agriculture or related.
  • 2017/18: 8 young people participated in DG Land Based Employability Award. 7 into positive destinations; 6/7 into agriculture or related; 1 considering MA in Dairy.
  • 2018/19: 14 young people signed up for DG Land Based Employability Award and 12 expressions of interest for MA in Dairy pilot due to start in August 2018.

The seminar can be viewed by clicking on this link:-