Jim Mair Driver Training

Jim Mair
  • Meiklewood Yard
    Glasgow Road
    KA3 6AG
  • 01560 600060
  • 07796 163 381 (Jim) 07823 322 141 (Chris)
  • Adult 25+
  • Annandale & Eskdale
  • Stewartry
  • Nithsdale
  • Wigtownshire
  • Stage 4 - Supporting Job Entry

Training providers to teh transport and logistics industry.

We specialise in the delivery of high quality training to the Transport and Logistics industry and customise our training packages to meet specific employer and individual needs. Support individuals who are unemployed to undergo structured theory and practical training that will lead to the acquisition of Large Goods Vehicle Class C and Class C+E driving licences which will in turn enable them to take up employment opportunities within the local and national employment market. We can also offer training leading to certification in ADR (Transporting Hazardous Freight) and HIAB (Lorry Loaders).

As well as all LGV training Category C, C+E, and B+E we also deliver Driver CPC, all types of forklift (FLT) HI-AB, MEWPS, some plant and Health & Safety courses

Specific Covid 19 Support 

We have been advised to put out the following information. We would like to put a message out to say that our training courses are still operating as normal, but we are strictly following government guidelines.


We strongly advise anyone who has experienced any of the following symptoms to stay home and take advice from NHS Direct:


- Cough

- High temperature

- Shortness of breath


​If you have been transited through the high risk areas or have been in contact with anyone who has, within the past 14 days.


These measures are being taken in order for us to safeguard everyones health and well-being during the current public health situation.


We would appreciate if you could contact us at your earliest opportunity, if you are unable to attend. 

Our premises and vehicles are deep cleaned every day with bleach and anti-bacterial products. Including areas which are regularly touched, such as: door handles, toilet flushes, taps, computers and our card machine.


* All staff are taking personal hygiene seriously by following government guidelines to catching or spreading germs

* Anti-bacterial hand wash, wipes or sanitiser gel are provided for use by visitors to our training centre (which we strongly advise you to use)


Here's what precautions we would like YOU to take before attending our premises, please ask yourself the following questions:

* Have your travelled abroad or to any locations that have been hit by the virus?

* Do you have any cold or flu-like symptoms?

* Are you, or is anyone close to you feeling unwell?

If so, please seek medical advice and also call us on 01560 600060 and we will happily reschedule your appointment or assist you with your enquiry over the telephone.


Thank you all for your understanding.

Age / Year Group